Budget Workshop Meeting: Tuesday, January 30 at 7PM

Tuesday 1/30/18 7PM CES Cafeteria

The town is facing significant budgetary issues, largely driven by the reduction of Education Cost Sharing payments from the State of Connecticut. These issues are likely to continue for the next several years.

To meet the budget shortfalls, there are numerous proposed cuts to the staff for the next academic year that may include a custodian, aides, a reading specialist, a music teacher, a foreign language teacher, and an administrator.

If you have children in the education system, or care about the quality of education in our town, please come to this meeting and learn about the issues we are facing. This is a place to provide feedback to our elected town officials who are responsible for representing the concerns and wishes of the citizens of Canterbury.

There are solutions to this problem, beyond simply cutting staff members. If we all come together and make our voices heard, we are certain we can find a way to ensure our children continue to have excellent educational choices and opportunities.

Here are some resources to help you make an informed decision:
We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, January 30th, 2018 at 7PM at the Canterbury Elementary School Cafeteria. Feel free to bring your children. If you (or they) want to speak, citizens are typically limited to three-minutes, so you might want to prepare your statement in advance. If you have never come to a meeting before, now is the time. You do not need to speak publicly. Having a room filled with concerned citizens is its own strong message.

This information is provided by the Canterbury Education Information Group, made up of parents of children in the Canterbury, CT public school system.


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