BOE Budget Presentation 2/1/2018-Video

The Canterbury Public School System Superintendent, Dr. Lois Knapton, presented her proposed budget for the 2018-2019 academic year (AY1819) on Thursday 2/1/2018 at 7PM in the cafeteria at Canterbury Elementary School.  There were numerous individuals in attendance including residents, teachers, and children who spoke passionately about the school and the importance of various programs.

Here is a video recording of the entire meeting.  The superintendent's presentation begins at the 29 minute mark.  Comments from visitors begin at the 59 minute mark.  The entire meeting lasted approximately two hours.

The superintendent proposed a budget that would be a 3.11% increase over the AY1718 budget, but would represent a 1.7% decrease from the AY1718 budget that was approved in April before the budget was revised in the Fall of 2017 based on cuts to ECS funding.

AY1718 Approved Budget = $11,471,049 (Approved 4/1/2017; +0.21% increase from AY1618)
AY1718 Revised Budget    = $10,934,105 (Approved Fall 2017; -4.68% decrease from approved)
AY1819 Proposed Budget  = $11,274,213 (Proposed 2/1/17; 3.11% increase from AY1718, -1.7% decrease from original AY1718 approved 4/17)

This budget was achieved by cutting five full time paraprofessional positions, the Spanish program (the teacher was currently at a half-time position, this would eliminate the foreign language program entirely) and one custodian.

The superintendent also proposed what it would look like to get the budget to a 0.94% increase when compared to the revised AY1718 budget.  This would include cutting a full time administrator (currently there are four full-time administrators; two principals (one each at CES and DHBMS), one special education coordinator, and the superintendent), two full-time teachers (an intervention specialist and a music teacher), and up to two more paraprofessionals.

At this time, the Board of Education will discuss the proposal on 2/13/2018 and come to a decision regarding the budget they will present to the Board of Finance at a joint meeting on March 6, 2017.  The Board of Finance will then determine whether or not they accept the proposed budget from the BOE before it is put to the town for a vote.

The BOE has several options:

  1. They can decide to accept the proposed budget as presented by the superintendent, with a 3.11% increase over our current budget (a 1.7% decrease from the 4/17 accepted budget)  
  2. The can decide to cut the budget down to a 0.94% increase over our current budget 
  3. They can decide that the budget proposed to get to a 3.11% increase is too severe and ask to restore things like paraprofessional positions, the foreign language program, or the custodian position. 

This is a process and having informed residents involved at every step is crucial to attaining and outcome that is the best for the town and the best for the school system.

Below are information sheets provided at the presentation.
